Friday, April 9, 2010

Ferfal Circle 3

3)The 3rd circle expands just a little bit and includes the first layer of gear. Your clothes and gear that you carry with you on daily basis.
There’s several posts in the blog discussing this.
This circle is important because speaking of worst case scenarios, what you have with you at all times is what you’ll have when you need it the most. If you’re lucky enough you may get other supplies you had stored elsewhere, but its not kosher to count on being lucky during emergencies.
What kind of clothes you wear? Maybe you can’t avoid wearing a suit because of your job, but are your shoes just for looks, or can they be used to walk greater distances if needed? If you can dress more informally, are the clothes you’re wearing the ones you’d choose if you had to make your way through rubble, or wear them an entire week or more? You can find clothes that look good, are fashionable and yet allow you to perform such a task better than most other alternatives.
Do you use shades? Are they just sunglasses or do they provide eye protection as well? What about the shoes you wear? What about your shoes? Safety working shoes are usually less expensive that the latest trendy ones, and the more expensive models of the working shoe line usually look nice too.
What do you have in your pockets, your keychain? Do you carry a gun, cell phone, enough spare cash for emergencies in case ATMs aren’t working or go empty. Do you have the basics you should never leave home without? Wallet, cell phone, gun, knife, flashlight and lighter?
Even better, do you have a bag that you carry with you on daily basis with the minimum EDC gear that allows you to move comfortably yet have certain tools and supplies with you in case you need them? A bottle of water and some snack, a few other items as well.

This circle I am constantly working on but have certain things that work very well currently.
You can see my keychain on this blog. I also normally have on my tactical pants and a comfortable shirt. But what I carry is constantly changing.

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