Friday, May 7, 2010

Food, food and more food...

As you may have heard the DOW did a record dip of over 900 points in just a few min.  I happened to be watching the news at the time.  It was scary to watch lucky for us it was a typo by some trader but if the system is that weak what happens when it is not a typo?

It just proves to me that nothing will be as valuable as food if some bad thing does happen.  Water is more important but easier to get here in Virginia.  But food is worth more than all the gold in the world if you need it.  I am thinking I will increase my supply up to 3 years for 5 or 6 people.  Most of it will be bulk food such as rice, beans and sugar.  On that note we put 50 lbs of rice and 50 lbs of flower into plastic buckets yesterday.  It was pretty easy and we did not spill much.  This food will be used as quickly as possible since we did not do any prep on the buckets, they are just buckets of flower and rice.  The Boss is going to start baking more bread and other flower stuff.

I am now looking out for bags of beans and I think I will buy more 5gal buckets.  Just FYI 50 lbs of flower just fits in two five gallon buckets and 50lbs of rice fills about one and a half buckets.  I think I also need sprouting seeds.  I have always liked sprouts but hesitated to eat them due to the greenie attachment of sprouting.

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