Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bite the bullet EE vs SR food systems


Not literally but the boss and I had some extra cash come in due to some enormous hours I did a couple months ago and a lucky 3 week paycheck, and some savings we had. With the dollars value falling we were trying to decide how to preserve the value of our money and prepare for anything that may come up.

I had sent the boss some links for our prep work and I had wanted her to go over them and help me make a choice of what was better, Emergency Essentials with the 6 gal pails and #10 cans or the shelf reliance with the nice stocking shelves and the #10 cans. She said get them both, it is the best way to preserve our money, we will eat all of it over time and it is not likely to get much cheaper.

So this morning I ordered the years supply from both companies and I will compare them as I get the orders. So far my observations from the website info is as follows

Price: EE-$899 vs SR-$1044
Calories: EE-2200 vs SR-2029
Shipping: EE-$12 vs SR-$15.99

So so far EE has it in the bag although to be fair SR comes with a very nice shelf that allows loading from the rear of #10 cans and is all in #10 cans

I also bought a water filter from Ready Made Resources (this I will use while hiking and camping and I have wanted one for a very long time)

We also purchased a meat grinder that we have been wanting for a very long time.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Easy 3 Month Food Supply

 1 Gal Virgin Olive Oil
 1 Gal Peanut butter
 1 Gal Coconut Oil
 2 Cans of spam 12 oz
 3 Cans of Tuna 6 oz
 3 Cans of Chicken 6 oz
I believe a Multi Vitamin would be needed to supplement missing veggies

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quad Rail, foregrip and laser...

My friend from TX breaking at least one rule of gun safety but he does look pretty cool.
I added a quad rail and foregrip (that I had to move very far forward to allow a magazine to be seated) And an inexpensive laser.